Monday, April 16, 2012

The First Block

Believe it or not, I've actually been working on the Stars and Squares quilt!  The borders have been completed, and I am working on the main portion.  I have finished my first nine-patch block!  It's the center block of the quilt.  Here it is:

This was not done without tribulation.  I had to sew the final seam four times.  The first time, the three patches I added were offset by a quarter inch.  The second time, I sewed the wrong edges together!  The third time, the center point didn't match the center seam of the central square.  The fourth time was the charm.


  1. Oh WOW You are in Bedford! I love the festivals in Bedford!! Strawberry Fest, Street Dance, Pumpkin Fest, etc etc. Can't wait til June for the Strawberry Fest. LOL I am in West Park. You're pretty brave to be starting with those star blocks....Kudos to you! Here's my blog .... . Happy quilting!
